
Zhaomin Si 司兆敏



 专长: 近视(角膜塑形术、眼镜、软性隐形眼镜和眼药水)



司医生拥有眼科学硕士学位。她于 2004 年在美国路易斯安那州立大学医学院完成了青光眼研究奖学金课程,并于 2007年在滑铁卢大学视光学院(通过IOBP)获得视光学博士。开设Dr. Si Eye Clinic之前 (2004年 - 2016 年),司医生曾担任不列颠哥伦比亚省阿伯茨福德 Valley Laser Eye Centre 的临床研究主任以及青光眼门诊和干眼门诊主任。她曾担任山西医科大学第二附属医院眼科副主任和副教授。司医生创建了一种电子方法,以得到目标眼压范围。这一方法帮助临床医生在青光眼实践中关注患者的整体情况,并让患者了解治疗目标和风险因素。

Target IOP Calculator
  1. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Cheryl Vickers and Sandi Atichison: Intermediate optimization of vision with bilateral nonaspherical multifocal intraocular lens implantation. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2009; 35:303-311.
  2. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Sandi Atichison and Cheryl Vickers: Visual function and change in quality of life after bilateral refractive lens exchange with the ReSTOR multifocal intraocular lens. J Refract Surg. 2008; 24:265-273.
  3. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Cheryl Vickers: Visual and refractive status at different focal distances after implantation of the ReSTOR multifocal intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006 Sep;32(9):1464-73.
  4. Zhaomin Si, Arto Palkama, Bryan M. Gebhardt, Diana Velasquez, Maria J. Galeano, and Roger W. Beuerman: Distribution of Thrombospondin-4 in the bovine eyes. Current Eye Research 2003; 27(3): 165-173.
  5. Zhexi Guang, Xiaomei Xui and Zhaomin Si: Relationship between plasms endonthelin and serum angiotensin converting eneyme levels and diabetic retinopathy. Chinese Journal of the Ocular Fundus Diseases (Used Name:The Ocular Fundus 1996; 22:93)
  6. Zhaomin Si, and Xuefeng Gu: The analysis of the transmitted fluorescence for invisible fundus changes. Shanxi Clinical Medicine 1995;4(2): 127-28.
  7. Zhaomin Si, Mingqin Wang and Du lin: Iron, copper and zinc contents in aqueous and vitreous after iron foreign body implanted and extracted in rabbit eye, Chinese Ophthal Res.1995:13(1):16.
  8. Zhaomin Si and Jinling Liu: Aponeurotiptosis. Foreign Medical Science. (A review, China) 1994:18(4):225.
  9. Zhaomin Si and Mingqin Wang: Histopathological study of encapsulation of iron foreign body in rabbit eye. Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic surgery. 1994:12(2):90.
  10. Zhaomin Si and Mingqin Wang: The study of preparation for scanning electron microscopy of retinal pigment epithelium. Journal of Shanxi Medical College.1992;23(2):172.
  11. Zhaomin Si, Mingqin Wang and Shouchun Si: An experimental pathological study of retina with retained and extracted intraocular ferreous foreign bodies. The Ocular Fundus. 1992: 894): 197.
  12. Zhaomin Si and Mingqin Wang: The scanning electron microscopy of retinal pigment epithelium damages in intraocular ferreous bodies. The Ocular fundus, 1990; 1(1):10.
  13. Mingqin Wang and Zhaomin Si et al: The effect of several kinds of therapies on the healing rate of corneal epithelial wound. Chinese Ophthal Res. 1989;7(4):215.
  14. Zhaomin Si. Neurologic disease and eye disease. In Zhongyan Han (editor): Neurologic disease and systemic abnormity. Qindao Ocean University, Qingdao,1993
  1. John Blaylock, Mike Petrik and Zhaomin Si: Visual outcomes following bilateral or unilateral implantation of a non-rotational dual-optic bi-aspheric intraocular lens. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Boston, MA, U.S.A. 2014.
  2. Zhaomin Si, John Blaylock, Mike Petrik: Changes in Central Corneal Thickness Values after Intraocular Pressure Reduction and Lubricant Eye Drop Instillation (Poster), 5th World Glaucoma Congress, Vancouver, Canada 2013.
  3. Zhaomin Si, John Blaylock, Mike Petrik and Sandi Aitchison: Evaluation of Tear Lipid Layer Thickness and Dry-Eye Symptoms After Corneal Laser Surgery (paper), ASCRS, San Francisco, USA, 2013.
  4. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Mike Petrik, Sandi Aitchison and Chari Bosko: Visual performance and subjective outcomes after implantation of aspheric nonrotational symmetric multifocal intraocular lens (paper), ASCRS, San Francisco, USA, 2013.
  5. John Blaylock, Mike Petrik and Zhaomin Si: Initial results on the safety and efficacy of PRK using accelerated corneal cross linking treatment (paper), ASCRS, San Francisco, USA, 2013.
  6. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si and Sandi Aitchison: Early clinical Results of LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System for Meibomian Gland Dusfunction (paper), COS, Toronto ON, Canada, 2012.
  7. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Sandi Aitchison, Chari Bosko and Cheryl Prescott: Visual Function and Subjective Outcomes After Implantation of Aspheric Diffractive Multifocal Toric IOL (paper), ASCRS, Chicago IL, USA, 2012.
  8. John Blaylock and Zhaomin Si: Simultaneous Bilateral Refractive Lensectomy for Ametropia (paper), COS, Vancouver BC, Canada, 2011.
  9. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Mike Petrik: Simultaneous Bilateral Refractive Lensectomy for Ametropia (paper), ASCRS, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2010.
  10. John Blaylock, Sandra Bell, Cheryl Prescott, Sandi Aitchison, Zhaomin Si: Visual Performance and Subjective Outcomes after Contralateral Implantation of the ReSTOR Aspheric IOL +3 D and ReSTOR Aspheric IOL +4 D (paper), ASCRS, San Francisco, USA, 2009.
  11. Zhaomin Si, Sandi Aitchison, Cheryl Prescott, Sandra Bell, John Blaylock: Vision and Subjective Outcomes after Bilateral Implantation of the Tetraflex Accommodating IOL in Presbresbyopic Population (paper), ASCRS, San Francisco, USA, 2009.
  12. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Cheryl Prescott, Sandi Aitchison: Vision and Patient Outcomes in Presbyopic Population with Bilateral Implantation of ReSTOR Aspheric Multifocal IOL (paper). COS, Whistler, Canada, 2008.
  13. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Cheryl Prescott, Sand Aitchison: Efficacy and Rotational Stability of Single-piece Acrylic Toric IOL and Outcomes of a Preoperative Method for Marking Accurate Axis Orientation (paper). ASCRS, Chicago USA, 2008.
  14. Zhaomin Si, Cheryl Prescott, Sandi Aitchison, Sandra Bell, John Blaylock: Visual Function and Subjective Outcomes in Presbyopic Population with Bilateral Implantation of ReSTOR Aspheric Multifocal IOL (paper). ASCRS, Chicago USA, 2008.
  15. John Blaylock, Sandi Aitchison, Cheryl Prescott, Zhaomin Si: Visual Function and Subjective Outcomes of Corneal Excimer Laser Refractive Surgery after Implantation of the ReSTOR Multifocal IOL (paper). COS, Montreal, Canada, 2007.
  16. Zhaomin Si, Sandi Aitchison, John Blaylock: LASIK Versus Refractive Lens Exchange with ReSTOR IOL for Myopia with Presbyopia (paper). ASCRS, San Diego, USA,l 2007.
  17. John Blaylock, Sandi Aitchison, Cheryl Prescott, Zhaomin Si: Results of Corneal Excimer Laser Refractive Surgery after Implantation of the ReSTOR Multifocal IOL (paper). ASCRS, San Diego, USA, 2007
  18. Zhaomin Si, Cheryl Vickers, Sandi Aitchison and John Blaylock: Vision-related quality of life and patient satisfaction after bilateral clear lens exchange with ReSTOR multifocal IOL (paper). XXIV Congress of the ESCRS, London, UK, 2006.
  19. John Blaylock, Cheryl Vickers, Sandi Aitchison and Zhaomin Si: Optimizing intermediate vision after bilateral implantation of the ReSTOR IOL (paper). XXIV Congress of the ESCRS, London, UK, 2006.
  20. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Cheryl Vickers and Sandi Aitchison: Consistency of vision over distance after implantation of the ReSTOR multifocal intraocular lens (paper). COS, Toronto, Canada, 2006.
  21. Zhaomin Si, John Blaylock, and Sandi Aitchison: Factors in one-year regression after laser in situ keratomileusis for hyperopia (paper). ASCRS, San Francisco, USA, 2006.
  22. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, and Cheryl Vickers: Monovision for improving intermediate vision with bilateral implantation of the ReSTOR IOL (paper). ASCRS, San Francisco, USA, 2006.
  23. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Charilyn Bowden and AnnMarie Hipsley: Results of Laser anterior ciliary expansion with Er: YAG for restoration of presbyopia (paper). COS, Edmonton, Canada, 2005.
  24. Zhaomin Si, John Blaylock and Cheryl Vickers: Assessment of intraocular lens power calculations used in eyes after corneal refractive surgery (poster). ASCRS, Washington DC, USA, 2005.
  25. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Charilyn Bowden and AnnMarie Hipsley: Prospective outcomes of laser anterior ciliary expansion in a Canadian multicenter clinical trial (paper). ASCRS, Washington DC, USA, 2005.
  26. John Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Sandi Aitchison and Charilyn Bowden: Factors for loss or gain of visual acuity after LASIK for hyperopia and hyperopic stigmatism (paper). ASCRS, Washington DC, USA, 2005.
  27. John Blaylock, Sandi Aitchison and Zhaomin Si: Laser in situ keratomileusis outcomes for hyperopia and hyperopic astigmatism based on cycloplegic refraction (paper). CSCRS, Toronto, Canada, 2004.
  28. A. Palkama, D.Velasquez, L Velasquez, Z. Si, H.Thompson and R.W. Beuerman: Viability of Bovine Eyes in Perfusion In Vitro (poster). ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2003.
  29. Z. Si, A. Palkama, B.M. Gebhardt, and R.W. Beuerman: Effect of Latanoprost on Outflow Facility and Protein Liberation in the Bovine Eye In Vitro (poster). ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2003.
  30. A. Palkama, D. Velasquez, Z. Si, H. Thomposon, R.Beuerman: Regulatory effect of pilocarpine and /or atropine on the facility of outflow in perfused bovine anterior eye segments with intact trabecular meshwork and cillary muscle (poster). ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA 2002.
  31. Z. Si, A. Palkama, D.Velasquez, B. Gebhardt, R. Beuerman: Release of Thrombospondin-4 and other proteins from outflow pathways in the human eye (poster). ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2002.
  32. D. Velasquez, A. Palkama, Z. Si, H. Thomposon, R. Beuerman: Effect of brimonidine on facility of outflow and pore size in the bovine eye in vitro (poster). ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2002.
  33. D. Velasquez, A. Palkama, R. Beuerman, Z. Si, H. Kaufman: “Pore” size in the trabecular pathway of the cow eye analyzed by the passage of microspheres (poster). ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2001.
  34. A. Palkama, R. Beuerman, D. Velasquez, Z. Si, H. Thomposon, H. Kaufman: A new perfusion chammber to analyze outflow in Vitro, with special reference to the bovine eye (poster). ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2001.
  35. Z. Si, A. Palkama, R. Beuerman, D. Velasquez, B Gebhardt, H, Kaufman: Release of proteins from the trabecular outflow channel in the bovine (poster). ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2001.
  36. A. Palkama, D. Velasquez, J. Reynaud, Z. Si, R. Beuerman: Trabecular drainage and pore size in Vitro in rabbit eyes with peripheral iridectomies and eyes with iris and ciliary body removed: Effect of ethacrynic acid and hyaluronidase (poster). ARVO Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2000.


Jiangtao Chen 陈江涛


陈医生在中国接受了眼科医学培训,并于 2000 年至 2004 年在北京最大的眼科医院 - 北京同仁医院工作。这段经历使她获得了诊断和治疗眼部疾病的丰富知识。移居加拿大后,她于 2006 年在滑铁卢大学攻读视觉科学博士学位,并于 2009 年完成了国际培训视光眼科医生的衔接课程。 

陈医生于 2010 年在维多利亚一家繁忙的诊所开始了她的视光眼科医师生涯,在那里她为数千名患者提供全面的眼科治疗和护理。她于 2011 年搬到温哥华,并在那里定居下来,享受生活。



Avneet Parmar


Parmar 医师将她对卓越眼科治疗和护理的热情带给了社区。她出生并成长于不列颠哥伦比亚省的北三角洲,在不列颠哥伦比亚大学攻读本科学位,之后在俄勒冈州的太平洋大学获得视光学博士学位。 Parmar 医生致力于与患者建立牢固的关系并提供个性化护理。在诊所外,她喜欢探索新食谱、悠闲散步、绘画以及与亲人共度美好时光。 


Hellen Xu






Janice Nguyen


作为一名光学镜片技师和认证验视光眼科助理,Janice 拥有坚实的技师、助理基础,她为眼科诊所日常运行提供全方面支持。她非常热衷于多种方式帮助患者获得最佳视力,例如近视护理、患者和父母教育、配镜、隐形眼镜和眼部护理产品培训等,以保证患者在就诊期间得到积极正面的体验。

 Janice 有空的时候喜欢和家人及狗一起去大自然中露营。


Min Jeong Kim

光学镜片技师, 视光眼科助理

Min 在眼科护理行业工作了五年,除了常规护理和配镜外,在近视管理、隐形眼镜培训和教育方面积累了丰富的经验。她对小孩和年老的患者,表现出极大的耐心和真诚的关怀。她喜欢亲自试用眼科护理产品、眼镜和隐形眼镜,因此她有信心向患者解释和分享技巧和反馈。



Kathlen Dela Cruz


Kathlen 接受过视力护理方面的专门培训,拥有菲律宾护理教育背景。她在配镜 ,视光眼科设备性能方面经验丰富,致力于在临床和行政职责方面为医生和患者提供帮助,确保最佳视力和眼部健康。不在办公室时,她喜欢和孩子和丈夫共度时光。


Salma Assine


Salma 是一名刚毕业的健康科学学士,对眼部护理有着强烈的热情。她很高兴能成为诊所团队的一员,在这里她专注于获得实践经验并为每位患者提供卓越的护理。凭借扎实的学术背景,Salma 渴望扩展她在视光眼科方面的知识,并致力于帮助患者获得更好的视力和眼部健康。
