Primary Eye Care

Regular eye examinations are important for maintaining your overall health and making your vision last a lifetime. Without an eye exam, critical health issues can be overlooked until it’s too late. An eye examination is more than just getting your eyes checked for a lens prescription. We assist in identifying general health conditions that are often first detected through an eye exam, and provide referrals to specialists.

Doctors of Optometry recommends infants have their first eye exam at 6 months of age, and then annually thereafter throughout the school years to ensure optimal eye health and developmental progress. We check for lazy eye and crossed eye. If any vision problem is found, follow-up actions advised by the doctor are taken during the next regular eye check-up. Early detection of any eye problem is crucial for timely treatment and thus it will prevent deterioration of vision.

Adults aged 19 to 64 should have an eye examination at least once every two years, and people with diabetes should do so every six months to one year. Other health conditions, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, assessed by our doctors may also warrant more frequent eye examinations.

At age 65 and older, you should have an eye exam at least once a year.

Regular full eye examination for all age groups (BCDO).