光学相干断层扫描 (OCT)
OCT 提供眼后部(视神经乳头/视网膜和黄斑)和眼前部(前房角、角膜和泪液厚度)的横截面视图。它使用反射光来显示各层并检测/监测潜在的严重疾病,如青光眼、糖尿病性黄斑病变、黄斑变性、玻璃体黄斑粘连/牵引、药物引起的黄斑病变。
As the pioneering OCT technology, Zeiss Cirrus™ HD-OCT provides sectional image of macula with very high resolution and a unique view of the optic nerve head for analysis and ganglion cell analysis.
OptoMap 广角眼底照像
Optomaps 显示宽视网膜图像,以揭示视网膜疾病的迹象,例如老年性黄斑变性、高血压、糖尿病性视网膜病变、青光眼、视网膜脱离、儿童视网膜疾病、玻璃体后脱离 (PVD) 和其它视网膜脉络膜疾病
OPTOPOL REVO 60K OCT combines one-touch exams with preset scan combinations for streamlined workflows and wide filed line scan of macula and optic nerve head.
Optomaps show wide retinal images to reveal signs of retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, high blood pressure, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, retinal detachment, pediatric retinal disorders, PVD and other retinal conditions
视野 (VF)
ZEISS Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA) 3 reduce testing time & increase insight into glaucoma.
Identify progression-Guided Progression Analysis™ helps determine if visual field loss is progressing. See the whole picture of glaucoma - based on visual field function and corresponding OCT structure data
角膜地形图显示角膜的表面特征,包括角膜陡峭或平坦的部位,以帮助设计最合适的角膜塑形镜 (Ortho-k)和硬性透气性隐形眼镜(RGP),并帮助查找和监测角膜曲率的扭曲,如圆锥角膜和角膜变性/营养不良。.
MYAH:Topcon 一体化设备
The E300, with a small-cone placido disc design, allows for precise and actual captured data across the cornea. It has a reputation as the gold-standard for fitting specialty contact lenses.
Measure tear volume and tear break time for dry eye assessment,
Meibpgraphy, with an infrared transmitting filter, to evaluate the morphology of the Meibomian glands, which are located in the eyelids and produce lipids into the tear, and to determine whether they fulfill their function of providing the necessary fats to limit tear evaporation.
MYAH allows you to monitor the progression of myopia by providing essential information to monitor eye elongation and compare axial length measurements with built-in growth curves.
Assesses the corneal profile and provides analysis of keratoconus.
睑板腺透视照像和前部节段图像:Topcon 数字裂隙灯,带 DC-4 相机附件
Evaluate meibomian gland health.
Anterior segment images can show the structures of eyelid, conjunctiva, cornea, crystal lens and part of vitreous to reveal and monitor the pathologic changes.
Dispensing Lenses
Contact lens fitting and training area